ADBioplastics attends the Open Business Day from KM Zero

Our revolutionary material awoke much interest at Open Business Day

Tickets sold out for the Open Busines Day by KM Zero

About 80 Valencian companies such as Helados Estiu, Dulcesol, Mercadona, and Quicook, as well as important investors, did not miss this date to keep abreast of developments and new opportunities in the food industry. Our CEO at ADBioplastics, José Manuel Suárez, was responsible to open of cycle of conferences at Open Business Day organized by KM Zero in its facilities in Aldaia (Valencia). There Mr. Suárez had the opportunity to highlight our revolutionary new line of compostable biopolymers for the entire food sector. Then other startups such as Demirub, Aqueactiva, Optimus Garden, Elixir, Feedect, Mon, and Walway presented its products.

In the KM Zero hall and after startup pitches all the companies had the opportunity to speak for a few minutes with each startup to understand deeper the properties and advantages of each product. In our case, our technical colleagues, José Ángel Ramos, Technical Manager, and Iván Navarro, Senior Researcher, accompanied by Lorena García, Marketing Manager and Arturo Bel, Production Manager, were explaining to the potential customer our advantages regarding our degree of transparency, the rigidity of our products or even resistance to impact. All these advantages are following the requirements of the packaging industry.

The event was closed by Walway and its particular demonstration: a new special ham knife for slicing ham without accidents.