ADBioplastics attends the Material for Health and Food Start-ups Brokerage event in Madrid.

ADBioplastics attends the Material for Health and Food Start-ups Brokerage event in Madrid

La Nave in Madrid has hosted a unique opportunity for startups to meet with corporate and financial investors and ADBioplastics has not wanted to miss the opportunity of attending an initiative like this one.

Under the name «Materials for Health and Food Start-ups Brokerage Event», the technological platform MATERPLAT has organized last Monday, the 17th of June, the first event of these characteristics. Six startups such as Nucaps, Cianoalgae, Silk Biomed, Making Genetics, ATTEN2, and ADBioplastics have offered a pitch. An important moment when an entrepreneur briefly has a chance to market their idea to an investor. Lorena García, Marketing Manager at ADBioplastics, has been responsible to give this pitch. During 10 minutes Ms. García has had the opportunity to explain to the attendees of the advantages of the PLA-Premium to manufacture bioplastics.

After the pitches have taken place an award ceremony and B2B meetings between companies and potential investors like Repsol or members at USA-African and European Business Group, among others.

The main goal of this event has been to offer a space where national start-ups in different phases could present the development products based on materials with application in health and food through pitches to potential investors willing to support these innovative ideas. Materplat has earned the support of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the collaboration of the Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies (EUMAT) and above all the Spanish Technological Packaging Platform (PACKNET).