ADBioplastics asiste a la Conferencia "Estrategia europea sobre plásticos: un año después" organizada por ITENE.

ADBioplastics attend the Conference «European plastics strategy: one year later» organized by ITENE

The day held promise and did not disappoint. ADBioplastics has attended the Conference «European plastics strategy: one year later» organized by ITENE. The Packaging, Transport & Logistics Research Center has hosted a number of important Spanish companies during two days, 2nd and 3rd of July, such as Logifruit, Mercadona, ITC Packaging, Danone Iberia, Cafés Novell,  as well as the authorities of the Comunidad Valenciana and Navarra.

During the first day was the turn of the companies and authorities. Precisely, Eva García, Environment Director of Navarra, has explained her pioneer law for facing up the traditional plastics. The plastic bag and single-use will be permitted in Navarra but just in case they are compostable what obliges to the packaging manufacturers and distributor to adapt their business model before January 2020, when the law entries into force. It is clear that sustainability is knocking on the door.

The second day was the turn of ITENE Sustainability team. Through different examples, the attendees were understanding deeper how companies wastes are treated and the future for the planet: the compostables. Precisely ADBioplastics products fulfill the regulation. Our products are biodegradable and compostable. They break down by 90% within six months within an industrial composting process European Standard EN 13432 (2000).